My Painted Jeans

My Painted Jeans

Monday, December 8, 2014

Upcycled Boys Hats

I saw this really cute upcycled hat tutorial here and I knew I had to make some! I always have old clothes around that I can use in sewing projects so off I went to find some material. So for Benny's hat I used a pair of mens shorts that no longer fit Vince and a old Angry Bird Tshirt that had a big ol' hole in it. For Antonio's hat I used a plaid shirt that was actually part of Benny's Halloween Costume and tshirt that I no longer wear. The cute Robot patch came off Antonios new robot shoes that the dog decided to chew up this morning! GRRRR.. But at least I was able to salvage the patch.
These hats are simple to make and turn out super cute. Give them a try!!